In person Workshops

The Neema in Person workshops offers a more effective and fulfilling alternative to classroom learning based on memorization. Unlike other soft skills trainings, The Neema mission in Person programmes also focuses on learning for life, not just a first job. With a time, tested solution to build on soft skills, we prioritize small group practise and personal reflection over information sharing, making it interactive and rewarding.


Online Workshops

Schools, parents, teachers or community organisations can bring technology into their institutions. Online workshops are provided where face to face is unavailable, providing an engaging and interactive way to apply or reflect upon the learning, having fun while learning new life skills for their success.


Secure Families

Parent & Teacher workshops
We offer Parent and teacher programmes on the importance of Life Skills such as Resilience and Leadership for children’s future job prospects as well as for supporting all children with mental health and wellbeing. Our sessions give a great insight into the ways you can help your child to thrive at home, school and beyond. These workshops provide parents with insights and strategies to help them support their child’s life skills development. As Teachers, liaising with different cultural backgrounds could be all the more difficult. With the skills sessions, you'll learn about how to best connect with parents for the success of their child in school. These consist of ways to cultivate resilience, confidence, leadership and creativity in the classroom as well as collaboration with their parents for their success. When the parents are involved in their child’s education they do better, understanding their needs and meeting them.


Improving poverty

4.5 million children live in poverty in the UK. Residing from a disadvantaged background and poor educational attainment often work hand in hand. Despite Oxfordshire being a wealthy county, many children are living in deprivation and are not being offered the best opportunities to progress. Here is where we come in, helping children and young people achieve healthy developmental transitions into adulthood through tools like the Life Skills training, will put them in a place to lead through community connectedness, social responsibility and leadership development. They become more productive, with engagement in learning, academic achievement and being job ready with the right skills and attitude thus leading to a successful and resilient future.

Let’s work together

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