The Neema mission is a movement driven by youth societal indifferences and acts upon these problems by providing impactful training focusing on life skills that aids the emotional wellbeing and promoting dynamic thinking. Our passion in helping the local community's younger generation allows us to continue pushing the narrative ‘if you teach a young child life skills, it will change the world’.


What we do

The Neema mission provides online and in person training courses for 11–25-year-olds. Our training is here to complement the traditional education system by encouraging the developmental skills of leadership, problem solving and resilience. We have chosen to put enthesis on these skills because of how impactful and significant they are on the development of an individual in becoming a successful contributing citizen.

Why we do it

The main reason why we do what we do is because there is now a widespread realisation that academic success is not the only thing that gives a person significance or leverage in life. Creating great leaders of tomorrow take’s more than books, even the “Future of Jobs reports” goes on to explain that life skills are the most essential for the fourth industrial revolution to occur. We want to install independence in our young people, and we are confident that our training will offer this allowing our students to grow up and thrive.

Who we help

Young minds are incredibly receptive to new knowledge, and our guidance is tailored to ensure that they comprehend, adapt, and thrive. Our mission is to empower and encourage young individuals to make informed choices, facilitating equal opportunities for success, irrespective of their backgrounds. We offer life skills sessions that equip young people with the tools they need to become employable and excel in life, making their journey towards a brighter future a reality.

All levels of educational institutions face the daunting task of teaching students about how to prepare them for the rapid changes in the world. Even though academics are extremely crucial, we cannot deny that life skills are equally as important.  The term “life skills” has many abbreviations; it's also known as soft skills, social-emotional skills, essential skills or 21st century skills. These components are relevant to an individual's positive influential future. The Neema Misson helps educational institutions have growth in expanding their curriculum in actively teaching their students more about these skills, which we believe will inevitably increase educational attainment and more faith in today’s educational system .

At the Neema mission, we are big on strengthening teacher's skills for them to be more socially connect and more relatable with their students. Helping teachers understand and bond with their students creates valued relationships that contains trusts whilst improving educational attainment and very well-rounded students.

As a community organisation, we consistently strive for our local youths to have an equal chance in becoming economically successful.  We all have experienced being a young adult and this stage of life is a critical turning point where honing LifeSkills is essential. Self-confidence, critical thinking and goal setting is just some of many skills that a young person must possess to overcome the stigma of economic and social barriers. The Neema Mission provides globally recognized but locally tailored solutions that prepare youths with the skills employers need, which will be our contribution in making room for more opportunities and preparing our young people for the future of work.

Parental engagement has a large and positive effect on children’s learning. It is therefore a priority to identify interventions that are effective in supporting parental involvement, particularly those parents who are either not significantly involved in their children’s education, or who are not involved at all. Encouraging parents to be involved in their children’s lives provide a sound and healthy environment to continue to foster growth in the community and their various homes. By having focused groups and workshops with both parents and children, where they both get to learn from each other. Having workshops just for parents on different Life skills i.e. stress management, how to communicate and so on.

Why Choose Us


Child-Centric Approach

We understand the unique needs of children
and young adults, tailoring our programs to make learning enjoyable and impactful.


Experienced Mentors

Our team brings expertise in child development, ensuring a positive and nurturing learning environment.


Practical and Engaging Sessions

We believe in learning by doing. Our programs incorporate games, activities, and real-world examples to make education fun and memorable.


Life-Long Impact

Beyond academics, our goal is to equip young minds with the skills and mindset needed for a successful and fulfilling future.

Invest in Your Child's Future Today!

Embark on a transformative journey with The Neema Mission.
Whether your child is in Primary School Year 6 or navigating the challenges of early adulthood,
we are here to guide them toward leadership excellence and essential life skills.
Explore our programs and build a foundation for their success together!

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